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Our Services

At Forrest Road Medical Centre we provide patients with the diagnostic tools, treatment and resources they need to get back to living a life they love. We have a broad range of strategies designed to reduce pain, optimize health and maximize well being, including those suffering chronic conditions or undergoing current treatment.

We also have a pathology service available 8am-1pm noon, disability car parking, toilet facilities, and baby change facilities are available.

When you visit our family-friendly centre in Padbury, you’ll receive the one-on-one support you need. You can place your trust in our highly trained and experienced doctors.

Family Medicine

Our patients consider us their family doctor. Family medicine is a comprehensive, primary healthcare system provided for people of all ages, and includes all diseases and conditions. Care is provided on an ongoing basis with an emphasis on disease prevention and health promotion. Our services include an on-site pathology lab for your convenience.

We’re here to be of service in helping to manage all aspects of your family’s health and well being – we even provide driving medicals as required!

Ear Micro Suctioning

Loss of hearing, blocked ears, itchy or discharging ears can be very uncomfortable. They are usually due to Ear wax, ear infections or foreign bodies in the Ear. Micro suctioning is an examination and suctioning of ear wax and debris using a high powered microscope and equipment to treat the above problems without the discomfort of using ear syringing and water in the ear.

More about Ear Micro Suctioning »

Women’s Health

Women’s healthcare may include, but is not limited to:

  • Breast checks
  • Family planning options
  • Fertility counselling
  • Mammography referral
  • Menopause management
  • Cervical screening
  • Sexual health
  • Skin checks
  • Menopause management
  • Antenatal care
  • Implanon insertion and removal
  • Mirena Removal

Lifestyle plays an important role in the lives of all women; our compassionate care is focused on prevention to maintain optimum health.

Chronic Disease Management and Care

Customised, comprehensive care plans are provided to our patients suffering from ongoing dysfunction. Our goal is to not only address uncomfortable and limiting symptoms, but play a vital role in helping to optimise the health and wellbeing of those enduring the following conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic pain
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart failure
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis

Care plan patients are also eligible for referral to allied healthcare providers at a subsidised cost.

Men’s Health

Men’s healthcare may include, but is not limited to family planning options, prostate screening, screening pathology tests, cardiovascular assessments, skin checks and sexual health. Again, our goal is to prevent problems from occurring; keeping your health and vitality levels high is of paramount importance to us.

Children’s Health

Children’s health checks include monitoring developmental milestones, immunisation and health optimisation. We provide “Healthy Kids Checks” for children.
This testing also provides early screening for visual acuity, hearing, coordination and motor skills.

Occupational Medicine

Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accidents: Some occupations have increased risk of injury or illness. Our care includes the treatment, management and prevention of injuries, return to work planning, pre-employment medicals and WorkCover consultations.

Sports Injuries

Both amateur and elite athletes often require our professional services, as one of our specialties is sports medicine. Our dedicated care includes specific exercise recommendations, treatment and prevention of injuries, physical fitness strategies, performance optimisation, nutrition planning and rehabilitation.

Health Assessments

Ages 45-49 and Over 75: These assessments are designed to be preventative in nature, and are paid for by Medicare. If you are over 75, these are completed on a yearly basis. The purpose of these screenings is to optimise quality of life, and can include testing to determine lifestyle habits, mobility, medication intake, nutrition, exercise standards, safety in the home, care arrangements and support networks.

Heart Health Checks

Ages 45-74. This assessment is designed to be preventative in nature and calculates your risk of developing cardiovascular disease in the next 5 years. This is covered by medicare and includes blood screening, lifestyle and family factors an ECG and education to help reduce your risk.

Mental Health

We take a holistic approach to healthcare. Although physical health is extremely important, mental, social and spiritual health are also part of a balanced and happy life. Mental healthcare includes mental health plan, counselling, medications management, referral to psychologist, and mental health plan reviews.

Travel Medicine

In our office, we make it our business to be aware of the latest WHO (World Health Organisation) recommendations for world travel. Our focus is on health promotion and problem prevention. Our care may include appropriate vaccinations, malaria prevention and travel information and education. We help our patients to be aware of specific cultures or regions to help avoid accident or injury.

Want to Learn More?

Forrest Road Medical Centre also provides state-of-the-art care for those injured in a motor vehicle accident. Our experienced doctors provide cutting-edge diagnostic testing, pain management strategies and customised care plans to help you heal quickly and efficiently.


Forrest Road Medical Centre | (08) 9402 1922